WELCOME to the 8th Wimbledon Scout Group (Beavers, Cubs and Scouts)

PLEASE NOTE: We are Providing Scouting activities in accordance with the Coronavirus/Covid-19 Policy of the UK Government and of the UK Scout Association and National Youth Agency. This is changing as often as the virus. Read the latest updates on what we can offer and how HERE.
We know that many of us have come through this pandemic knowing someone or being the someone who has been affected by the events of this year. Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness, and if we can help in any way then please do get in touch with us, in confidence.
A great source of help with food provision and many other things, like helping to replace broken appliances, is the Dons Local Action group https://donslocalaction.orgI we can put you in touch with specific people if that helps.
We are currently operating face to face GREEN Readiness Level Scouting across all Sections
Would you like to join us either as a child, teenager or Adult?
We provide fun activities, adventure and challenges for young people aged 6-14, and fulfilling volunteering opportunities for Adults.
Membership is open to people of all faiths and backgrounds.

Click here to find out more about the new Section for boys and girls aged 4-6.

Click here for the 8th Wimbledon Beaver Colony's pages (for those aged 6-8 years)

Click here for the 8th Wimbledon Cub Pack's page (ages 8-10.5 years)

Click here for the 8th Wimbledon Scout Troop's page (ages 10½ to 14 years)
Based in Wimbledon (SW19, London Borough of Merton, South London, UK), the 8th Wimbledon Scout Group has a strong history. (We started in 1909, not long after the invention of Scouting, making us one of the oldest Scout Groups in the World! And we've been doing it right ever since.). Here is a link to the history of Scouting in general.
We have a thriving Beaver Colony (6-8 years), Cub Pack (8-10½ years) and Scout Troop (10½-14 years). We also have strong links with Explorer Units (for those aged 14-18 years) in our District, many of whom send their Explorers down to us to find out how to support Scouting, as part of their Young Leader Award. As you can see, we are well-connected.
We welcome both boys and girls in to all of our Sections and we do our best to cater for all Special Needs.
Our Scout Group as a whole is managed by our Group Scout Leader (GSL), Josh Fawcett (known to our youth Members as Griffin, the name he has as Beaver Scout Leader). Email: gsl@8thwimbledon.org
We are a Registered Charity, number 303792, and operate under the Rules of The Scout Association UK.
We are part of: Wimbledon and Wandle District : Greater London South West County : UK Scout Association : World Organisation of the Scout Movement - there are over 30 million Scouts in the World!
Scouting helps you to Gain Skills For Life!
Scouting helps you to Have Adventures!
Scouting helps you to Help Others! ... and that's not only as a Youth, but also as an Adult. Scouting offers challenge and adventure to 400,000 young people and 100,000 adults across the UK. We believe in helping our Members fulfil their potential by working in teams, learning by doing and thinking for themselves. We give people of every background the chance to stretch themselves, learn new skills and make life-long friends. Who can be a Scout #nobarriers?
At the 8th Wimbledon Scout Group, we want Scouting to be as accessible as possible to young people and adults who wish to follow our lead and enjoy what Scouting has to offer for life - yes, we give #SkillsForLife with #nobarriers
We welcome both boys and girls aged 6-14.5 in to all of our Sections and we do our best to adapt and cater for all Special Needs. Scouting today is governed by an extensive array of Policies* - which help us to ramp up the fun and adventure for as many as possible.
We never want lack of finances to be a block to starting or undertaking Scouting with the 8th Wimbledon and we are always ready to help and chat about any issues or concerns you may have, in confidence if needs be. We are a friendly and supportive bunch. You can always email us with the title #nobarriers via gsl@8thwimbledon.org to have such a chat.
*Click here to see The Scout Association’s Key Policies https://www.scouts.org.uk/por/2-key-policies/ : Development Policy, Equal Opportunities Policy, Privacy and Data Protection Policy, Religious Policy, Safeguarding Policy, Safety Policy, Vetting Policy and the Youth Member Anti-Bullying Policy.
Where do I go from here? If you are thinking of encouraging your child to join our Scout Group then make sure that you have had a good look at the links above to our three Sections. There will be loads of useful information there and also the opportunity to add your child's name to the relevant Section's Waiting List.
Sometimes we may have to close a Section's Waiting List, due to increasing popularity to join our Group vs the maximum number of young people we can bring into a Section. Please be aware that placing a young person's name onto our Waiting List does not guarantee entry into the Group. Sometimes we have a long Waiting List for entry into different Sections and sometimes there is space available straight away. Either way, once your Young Person is on our Waiting List, we will contact you in due course to let you know progress and availability. Please bear with us, as we are all volunteers.
Please do not add your Young Person to the Waiting List if they are aged under five, as they will be deleted with no notification.
We allocate spaces like this:
Potential new Members are selected from the Waiting List, when places become available and the young person is of an age to be admitted into a Section, according to the following priorities:
1. Children of the current Leader/Helper team.
2. Children who are moving up from lower Sections (Beavers or Cubs) due to age.
3. Children of the current Executive Committee.
4. Siblings of current Members of the 8th Wimbledon Scout Group, as long as that young person has been on the Waiting List for 6 months.
5. The length of time the prospective Member has been on the Waiting List.
6. Children transferring from other Scout Groups.
... which brings us on to the next topic... We are only able to offer Scouting to young people through the generosity of all of the Adult Volunteers who help run the Scout Group. If you are considering offering your assistance, for as much or as little time as you can, then have a look at our ADULT VOLUNTEERS page and contact us.

This website, domain names and hosting are generously donated by:
This website and all of its contents are Copyright 8th Wimbledon Scout Group 2020, additional photography Copyright TSA for general Scouting purposes.