We are currently operating face to face GREEN Readiness Level Scouting across all Sections
We know that many of us have come through this pandemic knowing someone or being the someone who has been affected by the events of this year. Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness, and if we can help in any way then please do get in touch with us, in confidence.
A great source of help with food provision and many other things, like helping to replace broken appliances, is the Dons Local Action group https://donslocalaction.orgI we can put you in touch with specific people if that helps.

The Readiness Level
The Scout Association is operating a colour coded system for defining what activities may be undertaken - this follows on from the National Youth Agency (NYA) framework. Each of the colours evolve with the latest definitions of what type of Scouting might be able to be delivered by what methods and means. The Readiness Levels are generally mirroring the Government’s own scales of measurement. They are defined in conjunction with the Government.
The Government currently recognises that activities like Scouting are essential for the well-being of Young People and therefore the Readiness Levels have their own definitions of what is acceptable – for example, at times when the Rule of Six was in operation for the population, approved Scout Groups could still meet in small groups of up to 15 Young People and up to 5 Adults with them.

The Current Readiness Level in England, and our local area - and what might be able to be provided - can be found here
Each of the devolved nations, Areas, Regions or Bailiwicks may have their own Readiness Level based on local circumstances. You may even find that at times there are specific Towns, Cities or Counties etc. that have their own Readiness Level based on the progression of outbreak and risk in that locale. It is incredibly important to know what the current Readiness Level is for areas covering Wimbledon, so we are regularly checking the above link and advise that all Parents/Guardians do the same.
OUR GROUP POLICY - v. 9.0 Updated April 2022
The Policy that we have committed to as a Scout Group is to follow and instigate the guidance being regularly provided to us by The Scout Association, which incorporates the latest Guidance and Policy of the Government, Public Health England (PHE) and the National Youth Agency (NYA).
We encourage all Parents/Guardians to regularly find and familiarise themselves with the latest advice and instruction online at and follow the Coronavirus (Covid-19) - What you need to do link, appearing on the Home page. Please read the contents fully.
We require all Parents/Guardians/Youth Members and Adult Leaders and Helpers to comply with the latest Government Policy regarding Covid-19.

8th Wimbledon Scout Group
Group Covid Policy Risk Assessment for Parents/Guardians
Updated April 2022
Amended from September 2021 Policy, Approved by Group Executive Committee.
The Coronavirus has been with us for some time now and is likely to still be with us for a while. Whilst some of the precautions and recommendations detailed below may seem excessive, arduous and annoying, if, by doing them, we save one life, it will have all been worth it. Scout Headquarters monitors the required arrangements, in conjunction with the National Youth Agency and the UK Government.
As of 27th January 2022, we are operating on GREEN Covid-19 Readiness level.
What does that mean?
Please use this form to notify the Leader Teams that your Young Person has tested Positive for Covid-19 or to inform us that they are having to Isolate because someone else has Tested Positive for Covid-19
- It is taken that participation of young people in Scouting activities is acceptance by their Parents/Guardians of our Covid-19 precautions and methods.
- We require Parents/Guardians to educate their young people on how to be Covid savvy and behave to reduce transmission - especially regarding coughs, sneezes, interactions with others, washing hands, and minimising risks by keeping hands away from mouths and eyes where possible and all required self-care practise from regarding Covid-19. Make sure that your Youth Member knows to speak with a Leader or Helper if they feel ill during a Meeting or Scouting activity.
- It remains preferable for us to meet Outdoors but we can meet Indoors, as long as we keep good ventilation and follow current Guidelines on Covid precautions.
- The products which we will use as part of our Covid precautions are:
- Diluted Zoflora Disinfectant to clean surfaces and equipment.
- Virusol Biocidal to sanitise hands - zero alcohol.
- Dettol antibacterial soap for washing hands with running water.
- There will be no drinking facilities provided at Indoor Meetings. Any Young Person requiring a drink must bring it with them in a non-glass bottle clearly labelled with their name.
- When meeting Indoors we may need to have Hall-side doors open to maintain ventilation. It’s darker and colder this time of year, but we still need to do this. Please ensure that your Young Person has a warm coat which may be required to be worn for the duration of an Indoor Meeting or activity - don’t let them just jump out of the car without a coat please. Gloves and hats are up to you.
- Some Meetings or activities may require specific Covid precautions when it comes to travel - the Leaders will advise Parents/Guardians on this matter.
- Camps and outings are now allowed to happen - with a number of Government and Scout Association requirements. There are increased remedial steps for all International Scouting. These requirements may mean that we may not be able to offer as many spaces as we would normally have liked to. Please bear with us as we do our best to try and cater these experiences for as many as possible.
- If you as a Parent/Guardian have anything to discuss with a Leader it is preferable that you ask them to contact you, rather than hang around on a Meeting night. This will help to keep plans moving and reduce the number of people staying in an area.
- It is important to check your emails before leaving to attend a Scouting Meeting or Activity - Given the ever-evolving nature of the virus, we may need to make alterations or cancellations with very little notice - this will be advised via email to Parents/Guardians.
- We ask that anyone showing the Government-recognised signs of Covid-19 does not attend a Meeting or activity, and that you advise the Section Leaders as soon as possible, using this link:
- Anyone who tests positive after a Meeting, where there is high probability that they may have been positive during the Meeting or activity, should advise the Section Leaders as soon as possible, using this link:
- Individual externally organised events or outings may have their own rules requiring signed authorisation, but they will be advised to you on a singular basis.
- Under current Guidelines, face coverings are no longer mandatory during ‘routine’ Scouting, but those choosing to continue to wear a face covering should be given the freedom to do so.
- We will still sanitise or wash hands with soap and running water on arrival and departure from Meetings or activities, with additional sanitising or hand washing as required by activities.
CHANGES TO OUR ACTIVITIES AND HOW WE WILL ADVISE YOU ABOUT MEETINGS OR ACTIVITIES It is important that all Parents/Guardians have updated the account on Online Scout Manager (OSM) they were provided with when their Young Person joined the Group. If you are having problems doing so, or wish to request a link to this again, please email
From now on, all communications regarding Covid-19 will come to you via OSM. This is the quickest way for us to respond to evolving changes. Please ensure that you have allowed the email address and/or check your junk file regularly, particularly on a night where your child is due to attend, as there may be news about that night.
Details regarding plans, amendments or cancellations to Section-related activities will come from your child’s Section Leaders. or
Details regarding plans, amendments or cancellations for Group events or changes to our Group Policy for Covid-19 will come from our Group Scout Leader (GSL), Josh Fawcett.
If you have any questions or queries regarding the above Group Covid Policy Risk Assessment, please do email Josh Fawcett
We thank you for your patience, understanding and co-operation.

Scout Shops Face Coverings
